Bee Together Apart is Kidzu’s newest initiative centered on building and embracing community as a means to ease the “sting” of social distancing and encouraging us all to keep up the good work of following public health guidelines. To put it simply, we MISS you at Kidzu and until you can “buzz” in and rejoin the hive, this page links to some fun and meaningful ways for us all to BEE TOGETHER APART.
Virtual Learning Kits
Our virtual learning kits are designed to support educators, students, and families during virtual learning at home. These kits include online educator resources, book recommendations, engaging learning activities, and ideas for hands-on STEAM education. Each kit is designed to provide a week (5 days) of instructional inspiration as well as connections to downloadable content that can be used beyond the first week.

Spread your wings!
Lesson Plan
Book List

Creating a Classroom Community
Lesson Plan
Book List

Building on your Learning
Lesson Plan
Book List
Kidzu appreciates your feedback! Please click here to access the Virtual Learning Kit Survey.

Our HeART of The Hive Community Project is a fundraising initiative to support Kidzu Children’s Museum and your community at the same time. Purchase your very own “Hive Kit” and create something that represents you! We challenge you to use materials in your kit, materials you find at home, or even natural materials from outside.
Once you complete your Hexagon, it’s ready to become a part of our Community Hive! Every submission will be displayed in our courtyard and connected together to represent both the diversity and similarities that can be found within our visitors and local community. Truly becoming the “HeART of the Hive” for all to see when we reopen. Click Here for More Information!Purchase Your Kit!