Caregiver Resources
Several organized links to useful parenting websites, local resources, and engaging parenting podcasts.
How to Talk to Children About Gun Violence
How to Talk to Kids About School Shootings
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Families and Educators
UNICEF: talking about conflict & war
Resiliency in time of war: elementary children
Resiliency in time of war: middle school children
Zero to Three: talking to young children about war and terrorism
- Sesame Street in Communities addresses kids’ developmental, physical, and emotional needs.
- Check out the abundant parenting resources at PBS.
- The American Academy of Pediatrics’ website, healthychildren.org, has topics on child development, health, safety, and family issues.
- Infoaboutkids.org promotes healthy child and family development by highlighting science-based information.
- If you are a student, faculty, or staff member at UNC-Chapel Hill, the Carolina Women’s Center has resources for parents and parents-to-be.
- The Chapel Hill Public Library has more than just books! Explore their website or visit in person to see their abundant resources.
- Visit TABLE or PORCH if you need access to fresh, nutritious food. You can also volunteer or donate!
- Visit the Diaper Bank of North Carolina if you need free diapers or would like to volunteer or donate.
- The Chatham County Partnership for Children has information on childcare, pre-K programs, and more.
- The Durham County Network of Care can help you locate needed services and supports.
- The Orange County Partnership for Young Children has programs to ensure young children arrive at school healthy and ready to succeed.
- KidSCope provides socio-emotional health services, parent education, and other resources for young children.
- Sprouting Appetites provides resources for prenatal and pediatric nutrition.
- Tell Me More checks in with diverse parents for their common sense and savvy parenting advice.
- How To Raise A Human: what parenting books don’t tell you!
- The Longest Shortest Time has stories about the surprises and absurdities of raising other humans.
- One Bad Mother deals with the thrills and embarrassments of motherhood.
- Helping toddlers cope with grief and death (Zero to Three).
- Helping young children grieve and understand death (National Association for the Education of Young Children).
- Supporting a grieving preschooler (Golisano Children’s Hospital).
- Children’s books about death, loss, and grieving (New York Public Library).
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